Little fiery little sweet is my mom

little harsh little soft is my mom

little cool,little tensed is my mom

Sometimes shouts at me sometimes pets me thats my mom

Never lets walk in the wrong path thats my mom

She is always there to help me stand,if I fall

She is always there to hold my hand and make me walk in the right path

that's my mom

She is an angel sent from heaven just for me that's my mom

Sometimes agrees with me Sometimes disagrees with me

that's my mom

She taught me how to dream high and guided me to fly

Taught me to face the wind and storm when they threatened me

She is always there for me

This is what she makes me feel

In the end that is my mom


christopher said…
this is good and it is my sincere disire to write poems.From christopher.From
Srikanth said…
dis is an xlent one..
really liked it very much...
sooo simple yet meaningful...
keep writing these poems...
i love 'em...
keep it up!

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